Friday, November 15, 2013

The Early Days of School:Some of my 2D Animations.

My first classes were modeling 3D animation in Maya, and making 2D animations in "Toon Boom" as Harmony was called in 2012. I do not yet have any of my 3D models compiled yet, but I have a sample of my 2D work that I made in 2012.

My classmates really helped me though the struggles of the first two semesters. Two in particular that helped me during class were Barbara P. and Daniel M. I had so many questions and the tutor that was there at the time, John, and later Joe C, put me back on track.

As I grew as a student, my need for tutoring was less frequent, and for the past year or so I have not needed a tutor. Yet I still remember those early days, where I have contemplated quitting and dropping out of the program many times.

Here is a sample of my animations. These aren't all of them, but it has taken a long time to gather them all in one place.

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